
All insider selling reported in the week of 03/31/2024.

All Insider sellers of the week
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Transaction Date Company Name Insider Name (Title) Activity Stock Acquired or Disposed Shares Price range Amount

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Activity types
A Grant, award or other acquisition
C Conversion of Derivative or Security
D Disposition to the issuer of issuer equity securities
E Expiration of short derivative position
F Payment of exercise price or tax liability
G Bona fide Gift
H Expiration (or cancellation) of long derivative position with value received
I Discretionary Transaction
J Other acquisition or disposition
K Transaction in equity swap or instrument with similar characteristics
L Small Acquisition
M Exercise or conversion of derivative security
O Exercise of out-of-the-money derivative security
P Open Market Purchase
S Open Market Sale
U Disposition pursuant to a tender of shares in a change of control transaction
V Transaction Voluntarily Reported
X Exercise of in-the-money or at-the-money derivative security
Z Deposit into or withdrawal from voting trust
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