Institution Information
Reportee Signature Date Report period Total Entries Total AUM($)
FOURTHOUGHT FINANCIAL LLC 11-21-2022 09-30-2022 1553 676,717,000
Institutional Holdings
Issuer Class Position Value Shares Portfolio Percentage (%) Previous Percentage (%) Shares Delta Shares Delta(%) Date Reported
SAIA INC COM Stock 951 $95,000 502 0.01 502 +Inf 09-30-2022
PAYCOR HCM INC COM Stock 952 $95,000 3,203 0.01 3,203 +Inf 09-30-2022
NUVEEN MUNICIPAL CREDIT INC FD COM SH BEN INT CEF 953 $95,000 8,327 0.01 8,327 +Inf 09-30-2022
ENVESTNET INC COM Stock 954 $94,000 2,111 0.01 2,111 +Inf 09-30-2022

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